Why Dragons have 117 Scales

revealing the Fingerprints of God behind All Universal Growth

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
ISBN: 9789081571647
Uitgever: Pumbo.nl B.V.
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: G. Kramer
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 200
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2010
NUR: Educatieve uitgaven algemeen

Why do Dragons have 117 Scales? Why not 120 or 167 or any other number? What is that special about this number that the Scales of this Creature who was known for Its Wisdom, Wisdom coming from the Sky, Wisdom once shared with Mankind, was given this specific number. Could it Be that behind this number can be found the Wisdom of Life itself? How it develops and why it develops in specific ways we call Tao or Path of Life. Could it explain the reason behind All that exists. What Wisdom is of a higher level than the Wisdom of Life? How many wars have been fought to retreive this Wisdom? How many generations have searched in vain? I believe that the only way to create a better World is when we will Share what we Know and Have. This allows us to absorb and integrate our current Consciousness within a broader one, the Cosmic Consciousness of Oneness with the All and One and move Peacefully from our current to the next step in our Evolution. Only then we will see that there is no scarcity but Abundance. Only then our Fears for the Unknown will be completely removed. Only then will we see that We are All connected in One. I wish for you All to find your Path to the Cosmic Consciousness of Oneness with yourself and your Creator of which you are Part. I hope this book will help you in achieving this but it takes an Effort from your side to truly achieve it. Let Our Lights become One to shine bright in this World and beyond. Let it remove the darkness of Ignorance and let it Unite Mankind with Itself and the All in Peace and Harmony. Eheyeh Asher Eheyeh I AM Gert Kramer