Man and Universe

Chronicle of a Christian-Hermetic School

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ISBN: 9789077820995
Uitgever: Serebrov Boeken
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 218
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2022
NUR: Esoterie algemeen

The content of this book has been compiled by Work Group ‘Atanor’ with the use of the transcriptions of conversations between Vladimir Stepanov (Master G), head of a Christian-Hermetic School (aka Ship ‘Argo’, aka Ship of Fools, aka Slippery Deck), and his disciple Konstantin Serebrov.

‘How to let a spiritual idea inspire you and then implement it in your life? Each spiritual idea carried by the etheric tradition has its own mystical wind, its unique atmosphere and energy. In alchemical terms, every spiritual idea of the etheric initiation is saturated with specific alchemical metals and metaphysical substances. If the disciple assimilates a spiritual idea that the Master shares with him and becomes inspired by it in his heart, soul and spirit, he alchemically reacts with it and thus his alchemical composition changes. The disciple absorbs those alchemical metals, those metaphysical substances that this idea brings from the higher worlds... If the disciple manages to fully realize this idea, it will change his inner composition to such an extent that he will begin to communicate with the inhabitants of the higher worlds.’