Busy, busy, busy

how to create vitality and resistance to stress

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Busy, busy, busy

ISBN: 9789058715821
Uitgever: Uitgeverij Thema
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Carry Petri Jolanda Bouman
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 131
Taal: Nederlands
Verschijningsjaar: 2010
NUR: Gezondheid algemeen

Busy busy busy is something we all experience, but it does not have to

control your life and lead to stress. This book will help you get a grip on

your own vitality independently, without external help, in order for you to

avoid more serious consequences like a burnout or a bore-out. We

provide you with a practical and broad approach to recognizing and

handling the symptoms of tension using clear, accessible language.

You’ll learn how to convert irrational, stress-inducing thoughts in your line

of thinking to realistic thoughts that release less intense emotions.

Physically, it’s important that you experience sufficient relaxation, while

the insights offered by mindfulness teach you to consciously live in the

present instead of going through life on autopilot. By developing effective

time management skills, you’ll make sure that you remain the master of

your own time, at work and in your private life. Learning to be assertive

and how to deal with criticism will help you accomplish this and will give

you more control and infl uence over your own life and wellbeing . The

numerous examples will make you feel acknowledged and you can get

straight to work completing the exercises in this practical do-book. You

will see that you can do a lot to make life more enjoyable.