11-Language Handbook to the Names of all Holarctic Birds

The offical names and current taxanomy of 3040 bird species of the extended Holarctic region

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ISBN: 9789050116794
Uitgever: KNNV Publishing
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Ad Tolhuijs
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 548
Taal: Engels
Vervanger van: 9789050116800
NUR: Specialistische natuurgidsen

A unique reference book for every “birder” – traveling or at home! This book includes the scientific (Latin) names of 31 bird orders, 150 families and 3040 species plus the official names in 10 modern languages.

By nature birds are not concerned with our political borders. Similarly, both professional and non-professional ornithologists are not halted by these borders when determined to track the objects of their passion to wherever they induce them to go. Indeed both “species” are frequent travellers and true citizens of the world.

This 11-language bird names handbook provides ornithologists and leisure “birders” a practical field tool when travelling across continents and seas where they’ll meet fellow ornithologists and natives speaking a variety of languages.

The extended Holarctic region comprises:

Europe, Northern Africa, the Near and Middle East, Asia north of the Himalayas with China, Japan and Taiwan, then Canada, Nunavut, Greenland, the Continental USA, non-tropical Mexico and the Arctic, Northern Atlantic and Northern Pacific Oceans with the pertaining islands.

The official names and current taxonomy in these 11 languages:

1. Latin (scientific names)

2. English

3. German (Deutsch)

4. Dutch (Nederlands)

5. Danish (Danske)

6. Swedish (Svenska)

7. Polish (Polska)

8. French (Français)

9. Spanish (Español)

10. Italian (Italiano)

11. Russian (Pусский)