Remember these new rules of the game:The selection criteria for tomorrow’s talent couldscarcely be more different than the ones used today.Selection based primarily on credentials, skills andknowledge will no longer suffice.It is essential that you come to know your potentialhires – who they are and what motivates them.Executive recruiter, columnist and author Ralf Knegtmansoffers nine essential steps companies need to follow toselect tomorrow’s top talent. He builds on his wealth ofhands-on experience, his deep reading and research in thefield and his interviews with visionary CEOs and frontlineexperts. If you screen candidates according to his experience-tested plan outlined in Agile Talent, you will be ableto select the very best people to guide your organisationin these turbulent times. This book shows you how to zeroin on the right people for the job, with little or no need foroutside consultants to help you. Not merely meant for HRmanagers or recruiters, Agile Talent is of value to seniorexecutives and anyone involved in the selection of topexecutives, managers and other employees – and toanyone facing a recruiter.Agile Talent will help you find answers to these questions:What are the selection factors for future-proof talent?How can I tell whether a candidate who shows thehallmarks of an ‘agile’ talent will match the company’sculture and strategic priorities?Are there tools available to help me make objectivedecisions regarding my selection? Will these tools yieldbetter predictions of future success?Are case studies available of businesses at the forefrontof hiring agile talent?How can I spot agile talent already working for mycompany and how do I retain these talented people?