Design principles for precision mechanisms

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
ISBN: 9789036531030
Uitgever: Universiteit Twente
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: H. Soemers
Relevante opleidingen: Mechatronica Werktuigbouwkunde
Taal: Engels
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: Avans Hogeschool Haagse Hogeschool (HHS)

The successful design of mechanisms for products, tools and equipment relies on excellent concepts and properly designed details. Both are covered in this book. Many of the examples presented have been realised in practice and properly evaluated, giving the reader/designer a high level of confidence. Every example comes with the considerations underlying the application and the limitations of the particular idea.

This book is based on the work started in the 1960s by W. van der Hoek at Philips in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and subsequently continued by M.P. Koster, culminating in the Dutch-language book “Constructieprincipes” [Design principles for accurate movement and positioning]. The core of their design approach has been preserved, while theory and examples were updated and the English language was adopted to reach a broad audience within the Netherlands as well as abroad.

Herman (H.M.J.R.) Soemers is associated with the University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. He also works as a technology manager mechatronics with Philips Innovation Services, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.