From Resistance to (R)evolution

Ten Roads Towards a New World

Leverbaar vanaf 7 mei
ISBN: 9789029553896
Uitgever: De Arbeiderspers
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Clarice Gargard
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 144
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2025
NUR: Literaire non-fictie algemeen

‘“What can I do?” It is a question millions are asking at this unprecedented time in history. What can I do to fight oppression and injustice? How do we get a better world, one that doesn't prioritize money or power, but puts the prosperity of all life first?

Oppression is everywhere, but (r)evolution is rearing it’s head, found in the minds of those who march, those who resist and rise and within us all. With this book, I invite you to find the way to a new world together.’– From: Clarice Gargard, Resistance Leads to (R)evolution