Learning how to teach in higher education

Vandaag besteld,
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Met 5% studentenkorting
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ISBN: 9789024448678
Uitgever: Boom
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Linda van der Grijspaarde Ton Kallenberg Gerard Baars
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 448
Taal: Nederlands
Verschijningsjaar: 2022
NUR: Onderwijskunde

‘Learning How to Teach in Higher Education’ focuses on the daily practice of teachers in higher education. Even though their role is changing, teachers are crucial for students. After all, it is up to the instructor to shape teaching in such a way that students achieve maximum learning outcomes.

‘Learning How to Teach in Higher Education’ is intended for beginning teachers in higher education, but it is also an excellent reference work for more experienced teachers who are looking for practical tips or a theoretical foundation.

The book covers four themes:

1. How do students learn?

2. What should students learn and how do they demonstrate it?

3. How do students reach the desired final level?

4. The evaluation and development of education.

The focus is on campus-based education; the interaction between teachers and students in a physical environment. There is also ample attention to online and/or blended forms of education. Using examples, diagrams, models and skills sheets, the authors provide direct support for questions from everyday teaching practice.

The book can be used in professionalization courses and learning paths for teachers, examiners, and student advisors in higher education, such as the Basic and Senior Teaching Qualification (BKO, BDB, SKO in Dutch), the Basic and Senior Qualification for Examiners (the BKE and SKE in Dutch), and the Basic and Senior Qualification for Study Advisers (the BKS and SKS in Dutch).