Expropriation Law in Europe

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ISBN: 9789013131796
Uitgever: Wolters Kluwer Nederland B.V.
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Jacques Sluysmans Stijn Verbist Emma Waring
Druk: 1
Taal: Nederlands
Verschijningsjaar: 2015
NUR: Staats- en bestuursrecht

How can land be expropriated across Europe? What common themes might there be, if any, in this area of the law? What lessons can we learn from a comparative analysis of expropriation?

In Expropriation Law in Europe, Sluysmans, Verbist and Waring (eds) present the first comparative overview of expropriation law in Europe covering 15 different jurisdictions. Compulsorily taking land, even with the payment of compensation, has long been politically and socially contentious.

First comparative overview

Today, concerns about controlling expropriation have been exacerbated by globalization, expropriation for economic development purposes, and the increasing influence of the European Convention on Human Rights. This book thus provides, for the first time, a necessary and fascinating survey of expropriation law across Europe. Geographically, the book covers a large swathe of Europe from Norway to Spain, Ireland to Greece, via Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland and Sweden.

Expert contributors

Expert contributors in each jurisdiction have written country-specific chapters describing the operation of national laws on expropriation. For many of the countries represented, this book is the first English-language description of their national expropriation law. Additionally, the editors provide a useful overview of the common traditions in expropriation law, grounds for opposing an expropriation and compensation rules before suggesting some 'core principles' of European expropriation law. As such, Expropriation Law in Europe provides an invaluable comparative resource for all lawyers, practitioners and individuals interested in how the expropriation of land is controlled across Europe.