The Fairy Ring

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ISBN: 9786256310810
Uitgever: E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Kate Douglas Wiggin
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 445
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2025
NUR: Verhalen en sprookjes

"THERE was once upon a time a king who had a garden; in that garden was an apple tree, and on that apple tree grew a golden apple every year."

These stories are the golden apples that grew on the tree in the king's garden; grew and grew and grew as the golden years went by; and being apples of gold they could never wither nor shrink nor change, so that they are as beautiful and precious for you to pluck today as when first they ripened long, long ago.

Perhaps you do not care for the sort of golden apples that grew in the king's garden; perhaps you prefer plain russets or green pippins? Well, these are not to be despised, for they also are wholesome food for growing boys and girls; but unless you can taste the flavor and feel the magic that lies in the golden apples of the king's garden you will lose one of the joys of youth.

No one can help respecting apples (or stories) that gleam as brightly today as they did hundreds and thousands of years ago, when first the tiny blossoms ripened into precious fruit.

"Should you ask me whence these stories,

Whence these legends and traditions

With the odors of the forest,

With the dew and damp of meadows?"—