Food and Beverage Management / 6th edition

For the hospitality, tourism and event industries

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ISBN: 9781915097262
Uitgever: Goodfellow Publishers Limited
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: John Cousins David Foskett David Graham Amy Hollier
Druk: 6
Relevante opleidingen: International Hotel & Hospitality Management
Pagina's: 456
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2022
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: EuroCollege
NUR: Economie en bedrijf algemeen

Sixth edition updated and revised to take account of changes in approaches to the management of F&B operations brought about by issues such as COVID, Brexit, staff shortages, technology and sustainability ethics; * Content based on the application of systems operations management theory to traditional and current industry practice in food and beverage operations * Specially designed to support learning being divided into ten chapters, ideal for semester teaching, thorough pedagogic features, the provision of references and additional sources of information, together with supporting PowerPoint presentations * Written by an experienced team of authors who are recognised authorities in food and beverage operations and culinary arts. This 6th edition of the best-selling textbook Food and Beverage Management for the hospitality, tourism & event industries has been updated and revised to take account of current trends within education and the hospitality, tourism and leisure industries. This includes changes to management best practice brought about the consequences of COVID and Brexit, as well looking at the impact of the increasing use of technology and kitchen/service robotics, changes to allergen regulations and issues of sustainability and business ethics, including ethical sourcing.