Therapeutic Exercise / 8th Edition

Foundations and Techniques

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen
ISBN: 9781719640473
Uitgever: F.A. Davis Company
Verschijningsvorm: Hardcover
Auteur: Carolyn Kisner Lynn Allen Colby John Borstad
Druk: 8
Pagina's: 1168
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2022
NUR: Fysiotherapie

The premier text for therapeutic exerciseHere is all the guidance you need to customize interventions for individuals with movement dysfunction. You'll find the perfect balance of theory and clinical technique-in-depth discussions of the principles of therapeutic exercise and manual therapy and the most up-to-date exercise and management guidelines. Immersive Cases Online-NEW!Six multimedia clinical scenarios let you practice applying theory to clinical practice.

Full-color, narrated videos demonstrate multiple options for exercise progressions and help hone your critical-thinking skills by addressing the challenges of specific pathologies, patient loading, and post-intervention strategies. Video Library OnlineFull-color videos show you how. A complete video library of basic therapeutic exercises and techniques shows you how to achieve the best results for range of motion, stretching, joint mobilization,resistance, and spinal stabilization.

New to this edition:New! "Immersive Cases," six, multimedia clinical scenarios online that let you assume the role of therapist and practice applying theory to clinical practice. With your patient, you'll progress through the process of "Assessment," "Intervention," and "Post-Intervention" to provide the best intervention strategies. New & Expanded! Incorporating current research and today's best evidence-based practices.

New Chapter! Exercise for Special Populations focusing on modifying therapeutic exercise interventions with comorbidities from specific underlying health conditions. New! A new contributor to Aquatic Exercise as well new material on aquatic techniques used for therapeutic interventions for strengthening, stabilization, proprioceptive feedback, balance, breath control, and relaxationNew! Information on chronic pain syndrome, with emphasis on the importance of understanding central mechanisms and patient educationNew! Case Studies focusing on exercise prescription and progression in the shoulder and hip chaptersUpdated! Information on the ICF (International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health) and Healthy People 2030 as well as information on achieving health equity and inclusion for those with physical and/or cognitive impairments