Change 3.0

seven essential principles for organisational change from within

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
ISBN: 9781717374172
Uitgever: Gewoon aan de slag
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Wendy Nieuwland-Hill Maaike Nooitgedagt
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 216
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2018
NUR: Management algemeen

What can you do to make organisational changes successful, creating change that will

last, without the constant need to draw it out of people? How do you engage people in

change processes without becoming directionless?

This book answers these questions by focusing on letting changes emerge from within,

using clear frameworks and the knowledge of how behaviour (and particularly group

behaviour) changes naturally. In this way, you can work on creating sustainable change.

In this book, you’ll learn how to use people’s innate potential to change for

organisational change. The book’s authors developed the model presented here based

on many years of facilitating changes from within working with a broad variety of

organisations. They’ve called this approach Change 3.0. Finally, a changed approached

to change, taking in the challenges and reality of today’s world.

Change 3.0 takes form in the seven essential principles explored in-depth in this book,

including many examples and case studies showing how this works in practice, as well

as practical challenges for you to try out in your organisation.

The cover of this book is mainly white, giving you the space to visualise your own

desired outcome. In the end, Change 3.0 starts with you!

Wendy Nieuwland has facilitated organisations and teams to realise

changes together since 1997, using her background in communication

science (information studies), languages, sociology and psychology.

With a good dose of pragmatic creativity, bringing things back to the

essence and the necessary levity even when confronting the brutal

facts, she guides organisations in finding their own unique answers to

the challenges they’re facing.

Maaike Nooitgedagt started her career in 2001 as a clinical

psychologist, then retrained as a leadership trainer and consultant a

few years later. She uses this combined knowledge when facilitating

organisational changes. With her sharp eye for patterns and

knowledge of the background of human behaviour, she creates the

conditions to let change emerge from within.

The authors work as organisational change facilitators both in the Netherlands (Gewoon

aan de slag) and internationally (Change 3.0).