International Financial Reporting and Analysis / 9th Edition

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ISBN: 9781473786820
Uitgever: Cengage Learning
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Martin Hoogendoorn Ann Jorissen Collette Kirwan Carien van Mourik
Druk: 9
Pagina's: 928
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2023
NUR: Economie en bedrijf algemeen

For over twenty-five years, the authors of International Financial Reporting and Analysis have provided comprehensive insight into the intricacies of financial reporting. This ninth edition has been updated throughout with an increased focus on ethics, sustainability and corporate governance. Timely real-world illustrations and activities give students a truly international perspective to successfully interpret and use IFRS Standards in business.

This title is available with MindTap, a flexible online learning solution that provides your students with all the tools they need to succeed, including an interactive eReader, engaging multimedia, practice questions, assessment materials, revision aids and analytics to help you track their progress.