Principles of Life for the AP course

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
ISBN: 9781464156410
Uitgever: Macmillan Learning
Verschijningsvorm: Hardcover
Auteur: David Hillis David Sadava RICHARD HILL Mary V. Price
Druk: 2
Pagina's: 915
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2014
NUR: Exacte wetenschappen natuurwetenschappen algemeen

AP Biology is rigorous and challenging, but Principles of Life helps lighten the load with one-of-a-kind resources for students and teachers. Therein, experts in AP Biology offer point-of-use, in-the-margin teaching tips such as "Doing" Science, AP Exam Tips, Mini-Labs, Common Misconceptions, Science Literacy, and more.