Lean Six Sigma Secrets for the CIO (e-book)

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Lean Six Sigma Secrets for the CIO (e-book)

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ISBN: 9781439803820
Uitgever: CRC Press
Verschijningsvorm: E-book via Bookshelf
Auteur: William Bentley Peter T. Davis
Druk: 1
Relevante opleidingen: Safety and Security Management Studies
Pagina's: 288
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2009
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: Haagse Hogeschool (HHS)

Going beyond the usual how-to guide, Lean Six Sigma Secrets for the CIO supplies proven tips and valuable case studies that illustrate how to combine Six Sigma's rigorous quality principles with Lean methods for uncovering and eliminating waste in IT processes. Using these methods, the text explains how to take an approach that is all about im