Challenge Of Change / 2nd revised edition

Start School Improvement Now!

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
ISBN: 9781412953764
Uitgever: SAGE Publications
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Michael Fullan
Druk: 2
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2009

The Challenge of Change is everyones favorite phrase these days. And for good reason. Never has the need been greater in education for reform that results in both individual and societal benefits." —From the Introduction A cohesive, multi-level approach for sustainable educational reform!With practical insights and critical analysis, this completely revised edition of The Challenge of School Change sheds new light on the widely discussed topic of school change and analyzes the concept of tri-level reform—school, district, and state/national levels working together to build and strengthen capacity to achieve meaningful change.

Editor Michael Fullan and fellow contributors explore the theories as well as leadership and implementation strategies behind educational reform and address the concerns that have led to the current school change movement. Designed for principals, superintendents, and school board members, this collectionFeatures notable experts, including Richard Elmore, Andy Hargreaves, Elizabeth City, Pedro A. Noguera, Carmel Crévola, Jim Knight, and Ken LeithwoodProvides practical implementation examples for tri-level reformLooks at the essential role that hope and emotion play in the change processConfronting a complex issue with clarity and thoughtfulness, this collection shows educators that successful change efforts are possible in any school environment!