Flawless Consulting / 4th edition

A Guide to Getting Your Exper tise Used

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen
ISBN: 9781394177301
Uitgever: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Verschijningsvorm: Hardcover
Auteur: Block
Druk: 4
Pagina's: 304
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2023
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: Hogeschool Utrecht
Vervanger van: 9780470620748
NUR: Economie en bedrijf algemeen

In the newly revised Fourth Edition of Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used, prolific author and renowned consultant Peter Block delivers the latest version of his bestselling book. He offers an intuitive and insightful distillation of research and over fifty years of firsthand experience, walking you through the skills, tools, and behaviors you'll need to employ to find success in the wide world of consulting. The book is a deep and contemporary discussion of what you need to do with and say to your clients to ensure they achieve their goals. The timeless and proven principles discussed within apply whether you consult in the areas of business, healthcare, education, community, or any other discipline. You'll find freshly updated examples and case studies, stories, anecdotes, and suggestions for implementing the Flawless Consulting process in your everyday practice. Flawless Consulting contains extensive new information on the use of online tools, meetings, and strategies that result in authentic engagement from the clients you serve in hybrid and virtual environments. You'll also find invaluable information for internal consultants operating within their existing organizations and comprehensive frameworks for creating and executing secure consulting contracts. The author has improved and refined substantial areas of the book, offering simplified and polished language that's easier to understand and that you can use in your own engagements with clients. The Flawless Consulting methodology provided within has also been enhanced with new partnership-building questions you can use any time you gather people together during your engagement. A can't-miss resource that's as valuable now as it was when the original edition launched over forty years ago, Flawless Consulting belongs in the libraries of internal staff people and full-time consultants.