Friso Wielenga’s detailed history of the Netherlands traces its political development from independence to today, incorporating significant explorations of culture, economics, international relations, colonisation and decolonisation in the process. It provides a thorough and well-balanced overview of the key moments in and vital aspects of Dutch history since 1500. Challenging incorrect assumptions concerning political consensus and religious toleration in the country, A History of the Netherlands offers a masterful analysis of domestic politics and the nation’s international involvements.
This new edition includes: * Enhanced and expanded examinations of 21st century developments to the present * Greater coverage of the Dutch role in the slave trade, the Atlantic trade and the Glorious Revolution* More material on multiculturalism and integration politics and the World War Two deportation and extermination of the Dutch Jewry * Historiographical updates throughout The book is vital reading for anyone looking for a rich understanding of the Netherlands and its past.