Computer Security:

Principles and Practice, Global Edition


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ISBN: 9781292473291
Uitgever: Pearson Education
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: William Stallings
Druk: 5
Paginas: 1000
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2024
Vervanger van: 9781292220611
NUR: Educatieve uitgaven algemeen

Computer Security, 5th Edition features a balanced presentation of both principles and practice. It incorporates broad and comprehensive coverage of computer and network security with current developments and topics in the field. Principles, design approaches, standards, and real-world examples give you an understanding of both the theory and application of important concepts.

Hands-on security education, research, programming and firewall projects give you practice applying the material. Hacking and lab exercises, real-world case studies, and security assessments further your understanding of text concepts.