Labor Economics ISE

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
ISBN: 9781266095528
Uitgever: McGraw-Hill Education
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: George Borjas
Druk: 9
Pagina's: 512
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2023
NUR: Economie en bedrijf algemeen

Labor Economics, ninth edition by George J. Borjas provides a modern introduction to labor economics, surveying the field with an emphasis on both theory and facts. Labor Economics is thoroughly integrated with the adaptive digital tools available in McGraw-Hill’s Connect, proven to increase student engagement and success in the course. All new Data Explorer questions using data simulation to help students grasp concepts Materials are fresh and up to date by introducing and discussing the latest research studies where conceptual or empirical contributions have increased our understanding of the labor market. The book has undergone Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion reviews to implement content around topics including generalizations and stereotypes, gender, abilities/disabilities, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, diversity of names, and age.