Special Event Production: The Resources / 2nd edition

The resources

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ISBN: 9781138785670
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Doug Matthews
Druk: 2
Relevante opleidingen: International Event Management
Pagina's: 344
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2015
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: EuroCollege
NUR: Economie en bedrijf algemeen

This must-have guide to special event production resources looks deep behind the scenes of an event and dissects what it is that creates success. It analyses the resources and is an extensive reference guide to the technical details of a big event. It provides a thorough grounding on the specifications and performance of lighting and audio systems, visual presentation technology, special effects and temporary outdoor venues.

This new edition includes:New content on: new audio -visual technology, industry safety standards, special effect platforms, decor and new custom forms of staging for both indoor and outdoor events. Updated and new case studies from USA, Canada, India, Russia and Malaysia New Industry Voice feature, including interviews with industry experts from around the world. Comprehensive coverage of venues, staging, seating, rigging, lighting, video, audio, scenic design and decor, CADD, entertainment, special effects, tenting, electrical power, fencing and sanitary facilities in a variety of indoor and outdoor event settings.

Enhanced online resources including: PowerPoint lecture slides, checklists, glossaries, additional questions and challenges, web links and video links. Incorporating pedagogical features, this easy-to-read book is packed with photographs, diagrams, flow charts, checklists, sample forms and real-life examples. The vast varieties of audio-visual technologies, outdoor venues, decor and staging are presented.