Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare / 4th edition

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Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare / 4th edition

ISBN: 9781118874493
Uitgever: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Immy Holloway Kathleen Galvin
Druk: 4
Pagina's: 384
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2016
NUR: Verpleegkunde en ziekenverzorging

Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare is an invaluable resource for those who carry out qualitative research in the healthcare arena. It is intended to assist: Professionals and academics in the healthcare field who undertake or teach research in clinical or educational settings;Postgraduates who are undertaking qualitative research and want to revise qualitative research approaches and procedures before going on to more specialist texts; andUndergraduates in their last year who wish to learn about qualitative perspectives or carry out a project using these approaches. Fully updated from the earlier editions by Holloway and Wheeler, it reflects recent developments in nursing research.

This new edition provides clear explanations of abstract ideas in qualitative research as well as practical procedures. Structured into four sections, the book looks at the initial stages, methods of data collection, qualitative approaches and analysis of collected data. It also contains a chapter on writing up and publishing qualitative research.

With applied and practical examples throughout, Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare is essential reading for those who are looking for a comprehensive introduction to qualitative research.