Felder's Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes / 4th edition

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
ISBN: 9781118092392
Uitgever: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Richard M. Felder Ronald W. Rousseau Lisa G. Bullard
Druk: 4
Relevante opleidingen: Chemische Technologie
Pagina's: 528
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2016
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: Hogeschool Rotterdam
Vervanger van: 9780471375876
NUR: Technische wetenschappen algemeen

* This best selling text prepares students to formulate and solve material and energy balances in chemical process systems and lays the foundation for subsequent courses in chemical engineering. * The text provides a realistic, informative, and positive introduction to the practice of chemical engineering.

Felder's Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes prepares students to formulate and solve material and energy balances in chemical process systems and lays the foundation for subsequent courses in chemical engineering. The text provides a realistic, informative, and positive introduction to the practice of chemical engineering.