A Quentin Tarantino Dictionary

An A-Z of the iconic director and his work, from AK-47 to Zed

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ISBN: 9781035417575
Uitgever: Headline
Verschijningsvorm: Hardcover
Auteur: Helen O'Hara
Pagina's: 224
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2025
NUR: Film en televisie

Explore an A-Z of everything you need to know about the masterful movies of Quentin Tarantino, from AK-47 to "Zed's dead, baby" and everything in between.

With hundreds of entries covering every facet of Tarantino's work - from inspiration and influences to his most frequent collaborators and little-known cameos - A Quentin Tarantino Dictionary is a stylish guide to the wonderful world of this visionary filmmaker.

Written by author and film critic Helen O'Hara (Empire, BAFTA, the Telegraph) and with bespoke illustrations that bring the director's vision to life, this is a one-stop shop for all things Tarantino.