Abdominal Ultrasound / 3rd edition

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Abdominal Ultrasound / 3rd edition

ISBN: 9780443069192
Uitgever: Elsevier
Auteur: Jane Bates
Druk: 3
Relevante opleidingen: Medisch Beeldvormende en Radiotherapeutische Technieken
Pagina's: 368
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: Fontys Hogescholen

Ultrasound continues to be one of the most important diagnostic tools in medicine and is used by a wide range of healthcare professionals across many applications. This book provides a practical, clinically relevant guide for all practitioners working in the field of abdominal ultrasound. Its aim is to enable the operator to maximize the diagnostic information and recognize the limitations of ultrasound scans.

Accessible, step-by-step approachCovers the basic related anatomy, technique and ultrasound appearances together with the most common pathological processesWritten at a level suitable for both students and practitionersThis new edition features: 4-colour figures throughoutNew chapters on 'Ultrasound in infectious diseases' and 'Safety and musculoskeletal disordersExpanded sections on the bowel, and Contrast agent techniques.