Media Today / 8th edition

Mass Communication in a Converging World

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ISBN: 9780367680299
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Joseph Turow
Druk: 8
Relevante opleidingen: Creative Business
Pagina's: 508
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2022
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: Hogeschool Utrecht
Vervanger van: 9781138593848
NUR: Taalkunde

Consistently examines the business of media through the paradigm of production-distribution-exhibition in a way that no other book does, giving students a more thorough understanding of how media industries work and the vocabulary they need to talk about them. Engagingly written with examples that are familiar to students, helping them better connect to the content and understand their role as media consumers and producers.

Coverage of convergence and its impact is incorporated into every chapter.

A range of pedagogical materials in the print book and online help students become savvy media consumers and producers, including historical timelines of each media industry; media literacy questions that develop students' critical thinking skills; case studies that bring theory to life; and study aids including flashcards and practice quizzes.