Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition / 12th edition

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ISBN: 9780357368107
Uitgever: Cengage Learning
Verschijningsvorm: Hardcover
Auteur: Kathryn Pinna Sharon Rady Rolfes Eleanor Whitney
Druk: 12
Relevante opleidingen: Voeding en Dietetiek
Pagina's: 1120
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2020
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: Hogeschool van Amsterdam
NUR: Dieet- en voedingsleer

Nourish your mind with UNDERSTANDING NORMAL AND CLINICAL NUTRITION, 12th Edition! Start by learning about normal nutrition, including the effects of food and nutrients on your mental and physical health, and then turn your focus to the clinical side of nutrition and the therapeutic care of people with health problems. Packed with practical information and resources, this text is designed to help you understand and apply nutrition concepts to your daily life as well as to clinical settings. Features in the text include real-life case studies and questions, step-by-step "How To" instruction, detailed illustrations, intriguing vignettes, a full glossary, and much more.