Introduction to Geographical Information Systems / 4th edition

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ISBN: 9780273722595
Uitgever: Pearson
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Ian Heywood Sarah Cornelius Steve Carver
Druk: 4
Pagina's: 480
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2011
NUR: Onderwijs en opvoeding

The fourth edition of this highly regarded and successful text continues to provide a clear and accessible introduction to the world of GIS for students and professionals. Focusing on the practical applications of GIS, this book features a wealth of multi-disciplinary case studies and examples of GIS in practice, demonstrating how it is used worldwide and within a variety of different industries.

The new edition has been substantially revised and updated to include coverage of the latest advances in GIS technology and applications (particularly web based and mobile applications) and to provide pointers to recent research and publications.

A striking full-colour design enriches the photographs, maps, diagrams, and screenshots to provide a highly visual illustration of GIS output and applications.

A selection of international case studies written by specialists and practitioners provides a detailed picture of how GIS is used across a variety of different disciplines and industries.

Practice boxes demonstrate how GIS tools and techniques are applied in the real world across a range of sectors including business, environmental management, tourism and planning.

Theory boxes provide consolidation of important issues and concepts.

Reflection boxes, included at the end of each main section, enable you to check your progress and further explore the key issues.

A range of useful revision material at the end of each chapter includes questions, text and web-based activities and a guide to further reading.

A dedicated website includes:

--Activities and revision questions for self-study or discussion

--Multiple choice questions to test understanding

--Web links for further investigation

--Datasets offering practice opportunities

An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems is suitable for students of Geographical Information studies at all levels, from undergraduate to professionals retraining in GIS.