Understanding Hydraulics / 3rd edition

Levertijd: 9 werkdagen
ISBN: 9780230242753
Uitgever: Bloomsbury Publishing
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Les Hamill
Druk: 3
Relevante opleidingen: Ad Land- en Watermanagement Land- en Watermanagement
Pagina's: 656
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2011
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
NUR: Technische wetenschappen algemeen

Covering all the fundamental topics in hydraulics and hydrology, this textbook is an accessible, thorough and trusted introduction to the subject. The text builds confidence by encouraging readers to work through examples, try simple experiments and continually test their own understanding as the book progresses. This hands-on approach aims to show students just how interesting hydraulics and hydrology is, as well as providing an invaluable reference resource for practising engineers.

There are numerous worked examples, self-test and revision questions to help students solve problems and avoid mistakes, and a question and answer feature to keep students thinking and engaging with the text. The text is essential reading for undergraduates from pre-degree through all undergraduate level courses and for practising engineers around the world. New to this Edition:- Updates on climate change, flood risk management, flood alleviation, design considerations when developing greenfield sites, and the design of storm water sewers - A new chapter on sustainable storm water management (referred to as sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) in the UK) including their advantages and disadvantages, the design of components such as permeable and porous pavements, swales, soakaways and detention ponds and flood routing through storage reservoirs.

Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at bloomsburyonlineresources.com/understanding-hydraulics. These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this textbook and are available at no extra cost.