Compositional Semantics

An Introduction to the Syntax/Semantics Interface

Levertijd: 14 werkdagen
ISBN: 9780199677153
Uitgever: Oxford University Press
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Pauline Jacobson
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 448
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2014
NUR: Taalkunde

This book provides an introduction to compositional semantics and to the syntax/semantics interface. It is rooted within the tradition of model theoretic semantics, and develops an explicit fragment of both the syntax and semantics of a rich portion of English. Professor Jacobson adopts a Direct Compositionality approach, whereby the syntax builds the expressions while the semantics simultaneously assigns each a model-theoretic interpretation.

Alongside this approach, the author also presents a competing view that makes use of an intermediate level, Logical Form. She develops parallel treatments of a variety of phenomena from both points of view with detailed comparisons. The book begins with simple and fundamental concepts and gradually builds a morecomplex fragment, including analyses of more advanced topics such as focus, negative polarity, and a variety of topics centering on pronouns and binding more generally.

Exercises are provided throughout, alongside open-ended questions for students to consider. The exercises are interspersed withthe text to promote self-discovery of the fundamentals and their applications. The book provides a rigorous foundation in formal analysis and model theoretic semantics and is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in linguistics, philosophy of language, and related fields.