Introduction to International Development / 4th edition

Approaches, Actors, Issues, and Practice

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ISBN: 9780199036431
Uitgever: Oxford University Press
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Paul A. Haslam Jessica Schafer Pierre Beaudet
Druk: 4
Relevante opleidingen: International Development Management
Pagina's: 624
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2021
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
NUR: Politicologie

The most comprehensive introduction to international development, with chapters by leading experts who explore the field's most pressing issues and debates. Introduction to International Development is a collection of contributed chapters comprised of original essays by leading experts from a variety of disciplines. With four new chapters and the most up-to-date content on the global COVID-19 pandemic, this fully revised edition continues to give students a foundational overview to the field as well as in-depth coverage of issues at the heart of today's most pressing international debates.