Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)

The dystopian classic reimagined with cover art by Shepard Fairey

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ISBN: 9780141036144
Uitgever: Penguin
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: George Orwell
Druk: 1
Relevante opleidingen: Engels
Pagina's: 336
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2008
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: Hogeschool Rotterdam HAN University of Applied Sciences
NUR: Fantasy

Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth in London, chief city of Airstrip One. Big Brother stares out from every poster, the Thought Police uncover every act of betrayal. When Winston finds love with Julia, he discovers that life does not have to be dull and deadening, and awakens to new possibilities. Despite the police helicopters that hover and circle overhead, Winston and Julia begin to question the Party; they are drawn towards conspiracy. Yet Big Brother will not tolerate dissent - even in the mind. For those with original thoughts they invented Room 101. . .