Calculations for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology / 3rd edition

A Guide to Mathematics in the Laboratory

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
ISBN: 9780128022115
Uitgever: Elsevier
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Frank H. Stephenson
Druk: 3
Relevante opleidingen: Biomedisch Onderzoek
Pagina's: 496
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2016
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: Avans Hogeschool
Vervanger van: 9780123756909
NUR: Informatica algemeen

Calculations in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Third Edition, helps researchers utilizing molecular biology and biotechnology techniques-from student to professional-understand which type of calculation to use and why. Research in biotechnology and molecular biology requires a vast amount of calculations. Results of one data set become the basis of the next.

An error of choosing the wrong type of equation can turn what would have been a successful research project or weeks of labor and research into a veritable house of cards. It could be how you calculated the medium in which you test your sample to calculating how long it takes a sample to grow to calculating the synthesis of multiple variables. In one easy to use reference, Stephenson reviews the mathematics and statistics related to the day-to-day functions of biotechnology and molecular biology labs, which is a sticking point for many students, technicians, and researchers.

The book covers all of the basic mathematical and statistical needs for students and professionals, providing them with a useful tool for their work.