› Dick van Gameren (8)
› Piet Vollaard (7)
› Winy Maas (7)
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› Klaske Havik (6)
› Olv Klijn (6)
› Paul Groenendijk (6)
› Frederique van Andel (5)
› Bart Decroos (4)
› David Peleman (4)
› Lieven de Cauter (4)
› Pierijn van der Putt (4)
› Bruno Notteboom (3)
› Harald Mooij (3)
› Jantje Engels (3)
› Jonneke Jobse (3)
› Kirsten Hannema (3)
› Maartje van den Heuvel (3)
› Mattie Boom (3)
› Peter de Ruiter (3)
› Tom Avermaete (3)
› Véronique Patteeuw (3)
› Adrien Ravon (2)
› Angeliki Sioli (2)
› Anita Blom (2)
› Annenies Kraaij (2)
› Arna Mackic (2)
› Christi M. Klinkert (2)
› Christoph Grafe (2)
› Colin Huizing (2)
› Cynthia Osiecki (2)
› Eireen Schreurs (2)
› Ellis Dullaart (2)
› Erik Hinterding (2)
› Frits Gierstberg (2)
› Hans Rooseboom (2)
› Hans Teerds (2)
› Helge Mooshammer (2)
› Herman Hertzberger (2)
› Javier Arpa (2)
› Jonathan Bikker (2)
› Jorge Mejía Hernánde... (2)
› Kornelia Dimitrova (2)
› Kris Pint (2)
› Mariska van den Berg (2)
› Marjan Pantjes (2)
› Mark Proosten (2)
› Martine van Kampen (2)
› Michelle Provoost (2)
› Michiel Dehaene (2)
› Mick Eekhout (2)
› Paul Knolle (2)
› Peter Delpeut (2)
› Peter Mörtenböck (2)
› Saskia de Wit (2)
› Sergio M. Figueiredo (2)
› Simone Vermaat (2)
› Teun van den Ende (2)
› Tihamér Salij (2)
› Tracy Metz (2)
› Willemijn Wilms Floet (2)
› Yvonne Bleyerveld (2)
› Bouwkunst, architectuu... (106)
› Kunsttheorie (12)
› Fotografie, film, vide... (9)
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Resultaten (165)
maandag verzonden
Biography of a Rebel
2019 || Paperback || Jonathan Bikker || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Innovatively and provocatively, Rembrandt turned the art world upside down in the Golden Age. His poignant works and his life story continue to inspire and move the world 350 years after his death.
The largest and most spectacular collection of his paintings, prints and drawings in the world is curated by the Rijksmuseum. In 2019, the museum honours Rembrandt with the exhibition ‘Alle Rembrandts’. Never before has the Rijksmuseum presented an exhibition of all of Rembrandt’s works from...
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City of Comings and Goings
2019 || Paperback || Signe Sophie Boeggild e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Architecture and urbanism can contribute to making our cities more resilient to migration. In ‘City of Comings and Goings’ Crimson brings together a cast of European cities that are marked by migration represented through authoratitive essays by local scholars. These cities are also the source of a catalogue of one hundred projects that tackle the issue of migration in many different ways and on different scales. The essays, the catalogue of projects and Crimson’s manifesto-like introdu...
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Experimentele woningbouw in Nederland 1968 - 1980
64 gerealiseerde woonbeloften
2019 || Paperback || Marcel Barzilay e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
In Nederland staan 10.000 woningen met het predicaat ‘experimenteel’ als resultaat van een uniek woningbouwbeleid uit de jaren zeventig. Het programma Experimentele Woningbouw zorgde vanaf 1968 voor vernieuwing in de volkshuisvesting en de stadsvernieuwing in reactie op de grootschalige en monotone woonwijken uit de jaren vijftig en zestig. Architecten, stedenbouwkundigen en hun opdrachtgevers droegen bij aan vernieuwingen op het gebied van woning, woonvorm en woonomgeving.
Deze publicat...
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Feest. Ed van der Elsken
2020 || Paperback || Mattie Boom e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Around 1960, Ed van der Elsken (1925-1990) put together a photobook on the theme of feest (feast). Drawing from both old and new work, he produced a design that is a sequence of festive occasions: fun, celebration, dancing, music, fairs, carnivals, excitement and euphoria, but also drunkenness and exhaustion in the wee hours. He combined the individual photographs into sparkling and rhythmical pairings, so that a genuine sense of joy emanates from the pages. At the time, for reasons unknown, ...
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Ending the Anthropocene
Essays on Activism in the Age of Collapse
2020 || Paperback || Lieven de Cauter || nai010 uitgevers publishers
In this book, activist philosopher and philosophical activist Lieven de Cauter investigates the idea that if we want to avoid collapse, we have to end the Anthropocene – the geological era of the gigantic, devastating impact of our species on planet Earth. It might even be, he argues, that the collapse of our current, growth-maximizing system is the only hope for the biosphere.
Offering case studies on urban activism alongside more general reflections on civic action and social movements, D...