
Engels (6)

Resultaten (7)

Vandaag besteld,
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Practicing Art Internationally

Friendship, Alterity, Solidarity

2022 || Paperback || Binna Choi e.a. || Valiz

What is at stake in this book is an attempt to de-align the discussion of international art practice from the rhetoric of globalization and an exclusive focus on the contemporary. Instead, it seeks to trace a genealogy of trans-local practices, with histories and methods that link to networks of friendship and solidarity, and of the visual arts as participating in a longer history of contact between individuals motivated by shared interests and struggles. Visual art is not limited to a discip...

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Making Matters

A Vocabulary for Collective Arts

2022 || Paperback || Janneke Wesseling e.a. || Valiz

The world today faces overwhelming ecological and social problems and the concern for material existence on earth is more pressing than ever. Making Matters spells out various roles that visual artists and designers play facing these issues. Collective action is necessary and inevitable.

Collective action often changes the artist’s identity and working habits: from individuality and autonomy to collectivity and collaboration, both locally and globally. These developments have given rise to ...

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Stuck on the Platform

Reclaiming the Internet

2022 || Paperback || Geert Lovink || Valiz

Geert Lovink is een Nederlandse mediatheoreticus, internetcriticus en auteur van Uncanny Networks (2002), Dark Fiber (2002), My First Recession (2003), Zero Comments (2007), Networks Without a Cause (2012), Social Media Abyss (2016), Organization after Social Media (met Ned Rossiter, 2018) en Sad by Design (2019). In 2004 richtte hij het Institute of Network Cultures op aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA). Dit centrum organiseert conferenties, publicaties en onderzoeksnetwerken zoals Video ...

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Logics of Sculpture

Encountering Objects Through the Senses

2022 || Paperback || Ernst van Alphen || Valiz

Sculpture as a specific medium is rarely investigated within a deeply cultural, philosophical context, nor within visual art itself. Whilst discussions about installation art, performance art, or other 3D art forms are widespread, the discourse on sculpture seems to be stuck in historical, material, or thematic frameworks. This is a loss for our understanding of art in general, and of sculpture in particular. In order to assess contemporary art practices, one should have a better understandin...

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Productive Archiving

Artistic Strategies, Future Memories, and Fluid Identities

2022 || Paperback || Ernst van Alphen e.a. || Valiz

Productive Archiving discusses a variety of problems archival organizations. It mainly focuses on the following three issues with archival organizations that are usually overlooked: first, the question of inclusion in or exclusion from the archive; second, the loss of individuality and specificity in the archive, the danger of homogenization; and third, that archiving may become a form of pigeonholing, boxing specific identities into a confined space. Avoiding the archive because of these pro...

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Over raken en geraakt worden

2022 || Paperback || Marlies De Munck e.a. || Valiz

Marlies De Munck is cultuurfilosofe. Ze is als docent verbonden aan het Departement Wijsbegeerte van de Universiteit Antwerpen en aan het KASK & Conservatorium in Gent. Als lid van het Culture Commons Quest Office (CCQO) aan het Antwerp Research Institute For the Arts (ARIA) doet ze onderzoek naar de gezondheid van cultuur. Pascal Gielen is cultuursocioloog, verbonden aan het Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA) van de Universiteit Antwerpen. Hij leidt er de onderzoeksgroep Culture ...

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Queer Exhibition Histories

2022 || Paperback || Bas Hendrikx || Valiz

Queer Exhibition Histories comprises case studies highlighting the countless efforts, both large and small, of LGBTQIA+ artists and curators, centring on queer art exhibitions and their modes of documentation and archiving. Often, the legacy of these projects largely depends on personal archives, memories, and paraphernalia, with the overriding notion, or need, for public display. In these contexts, ‘public’ is relative in events that were either short-lived, held under the veil of domest...