Resultaten (4)
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DYA van inzicht naar impact / druk 1
de architectuur voorbij
|| Paperback || Marlies van Steenbergen || Sogetibooks
DYA® | Van inzicht naar impact
De architectuur voorbij
Dit boek gaat over veranderen. Veranderen is voor hedendaagse organisaties een essentiële competentie. Het doel van dit boek is organisaties te helpen een zodanige verandercompetentie te ontwikkelen dat ze de dynamiek van vandaag de dag met vertrouwen omarmen. De drijfveer achter dit boek is de overtuiging dat om het veranderspel goed te spelen, disciplines als architectuur, businessanalyse, portfoliomanagement, programmamanagement en d...
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TMap NEXT (Heruitgave)
for result driven testing
2014 || Paperback || Tim Koomen e.a. || Sogetibooks
TMap Next: introducing a completely revised and updated TMap
TMap is a test method that can be summarised by four essential points
The client manages the test process on rational and economic grounds: Business Driven Test Management (BDTM).
The comprehensive test process, from test execution through test management, includes ample tips and examples.
TMap contains a complete 'tool set', i.e. technique descriptions and organisational and infrastructure support.
TMap is an adapti...
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Quality for DevOps teams
2020 || Hardcover || Rik Marselis e.a. || Sogetibooks || met inkijkexemplaar
To continuously deliver IT systems at speed with a focus on business value, DevOps teams integrate quality engineering in their way of working.
This book supports teams in implementing quality in their DevOps culture, with practical examples, useful knowledge and some theoretical background. For example, it describes how to benefit from a CI/CD pipeline.
TMAP is the body of knowledge for quality engineering in IT delivery and builds on practical experience from thousands of people in more tha...