Resultaten (4)
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Blind Date Renaissance and Baroque
Portraits from the Phoebus Foundation
2020 || Hardcover || Katharina Van Cauteren e.a. || Hannibal
BOEKFICHE The Bold and the Beautiful - In Flemish Portraits
Men in stately black, women with huge ruffs, children with golden rattles, old women with wizened faces, and self-satisfied artists… These are the main players in just about every portrait ever painted in the Southern Netherlands. From the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries, the tract of land that we today call Flanders was the economic, cultural, intellectual and financial heart of Europe. And money flows – with everyone who ...
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From Memlin to Rubens
The Golden Age of Flanders
2020 || Hardcover || Katharina Van Cauteren || Hannibal
From Memling to Rubens
The Golden Age of Flanders
Why did Hans Memling paint everything in such minute detail? How did Rubens, in just a few brushstrokes, create special effects that Steven Spielberg would envy? And why was the Southern Netherlands the artistic centre of the world for three centuries?
From Memling to Rubens: The Golden Age of Flanders tells the story of Flemish art from the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, as you’ve never read it before. It’s a rollercoaste...
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Crazy about St. Dymphna
The story of a Girl who Drove a Medieval City mad
2021 || Hardcover || Sven Van Dorst e.a. || Hannibal
Crazy about Dymphna
The Story of a Girl who Drove a Medieval City Mad
Sven Van Dorst, Stephan Kemperdick, Till-Holger Borchert a.o.
Around 1505 Goossen Van der Weyden, Rogier’s grandson, painted a monumental altarpiece depicting the various phases of Saint Dymphna’s insane life.
This Irish princess, who fled her incestuous father in the sixth century, was beheaded in the Kempen village of Geel. On account of her tragic end and uncompromising chastity, the princess was venerated from t...
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2020 || Paperback || Kati Heck || Hannibal
Het hoogst originele universum van kunstenares Kati Heck.
“As we grow older, we filter out of our perception the details that we have been conditioned to believe are unimportant. It takes an exceptionally talented painter to pierce that veil and capture the essential richness and strangeness of the world. This, it seems to me, is Kati Heck’s gift.”
— Ben Eastham, editor-in-chief of art-agenda
In de loop der jaren heeft Kati Heck (°1979) een zeer persoonlijke visie op het alledaag...