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Gardner's Art through the Ages
A Concise Western History
2016 || Paperback || Fred Kleiner || Cengage Learning
GARDNER'S ART THROUGH THE AGES: A CONCISE WESTERN HISTORY, provides you with a comprehensive, beautifully illustrated tour of the world's great artistic traditions, and, with MindTap, all of the online study tools you need to excel in your art history course! Easy to read and understand, the fourth edition includes new artists and provides a rich cultural backdrop for each of the covered periods and geographical locations.
On Course Study Skills Plus Edition
Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life
2016 || Paperback || Skip Downing || Cengage Learning
ON COURSE: STRATEGIES FOR CREATING SUCCESS IN COLLEGE AND IN LIFE, STUDY SKILLS PLUS, 3rd Edition, empowers you with the tools you need to take charge of your academic and lifelong success. A self-assessment at the beginning of the text helps you identify behaviors and beliefs you may wish to change in order to achieve more of your potential in college and in life. Through short articles and distinctive guided journal entries, the author encourages you to explore and develop eight keys to you...
The Basics of Social Research
2016 || Paperback || Earl Babbie || Cengage Learning
This thorough revision of Babbie's standard-setting text presents a succinct, straightforward introduction to the field of research methods as practiced by social scientists. Contemporary examples, such as terrorism, Alzheimer's disease, anti-gay prejudice and education, and the legalization of marijuana, introduce you to the "how-tos" and "whys" of social research methods. With new data, new coverage of online research and other timely topics, and Learning Objectives for each chapter that he...