
Kim Covent (2)
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met 5% korting 27,55

Algemeen strafrecht / Druk 7

een overzicht

2023 || Paperback || Kathleen Duerinckx || Maklu, Uitgever

Dit leerboek bevat de basisbeginselen van het algemeen strafrecht. Het is bedoeld voor alle opleidingen waar een basiskennis van het Belgisch strafrecht wordt aangeleerd. Daardoor is het uitermate geschikt voor de opleidingen rechtspraktijk, maar ook onder meer sociale agogiek, veiligheidsopleidingen en in de politieopleidingen.Aan bod komen de algemene principes van het materieel strafrecht, zoals terug te vinden in het algemeen strafrecht van het Strafwetboek (art. 1-100ter Sw.). Achtereenv...

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Your move

Think like the enemy to protect your organization

2023 || Paperback || Kim Covent e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever

Counterplay is a proactive security concept that complements your existing security plan and tackles your security challenges in a different way. Counterplay radically chooses the criminal perspective. Looking through the eyes of the enemy to better protect yourself. Not by tracking down or attacking potential enemies, but by pro-actively subverting as many attack strategies as possible. You are thinking ahead in a game of chess with the enemy.With plenty of practical examples and useful tips...

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Justice, Home Affairs and Security / Druk 4

European and international institutional and policy development

2023 || Paperback || Gert Vermeulen e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever

This book offers insight into the development of the EU in the areas of justice, home affairs and security, embedded in a broader international context. In addition to the main part, dedicated to the EU, the book features chapters on cooperation in the areas concerned at Benelux, Schengen, Council of Europe, NATO, OSCE, G7/G20, OECD and UN levels.The chapter structure is identical for all cooperation levels addressed, discussing their actual policies after sketching their historical developme...

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met 5% korting 66,50

Traditional Criminal Law Categories and AI: Crisis or Palingenesis?

(International Colloquium Section I, Siracusa, 15-16 September 2022)

2023 || Paperback || Lorenzo Picotti e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever

The study of the intersections between technology and crime is a well-established topic for criminal lawyers, gaining increasing significance over time. Initially, in the risk society, and even more so today, in the algorithmic society, the challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) bring new complexities to light. AI systems are increasingly involved in perpetrating various kinds of harms. They can serve as new tools for committing crimes or directly cause serious harms to fundamental ...

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Criminal Justice in the Prism of Human Rights

(X AIDP International Symposium for Young Penalists, Bologna, Italy, 27-28 October 2022)

2023 || Paperback || Francesco Mazzacuva e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever

Criminal law occupies a central role in the “prism” of human rights, given the relevant impact of trial and punishment on the personal sphere of individuals, which may be instrumentalised in the name of security claims for political purposes. It is no coincidence that during the Age of Enlightenment the main fundamental guarantees of criminal law were enshrined in human rights declarations, with an approach now widely accepted at an international level. In fact, the “dialogue” between...

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Military Justice. Contemporary Challenges, History and Comparison

(1st International Military Justice Forum, Paris, 18-19 November 2021)

2023 || Paperback || Gwenaël Guyon e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever

The success of military operations, the safeguarding of national interests and the discipline of the troops within the overall context of the rule of law have always presented great concerns for national armed forces. Nowadays, military justice faces several issues and criticisms. The prospect of ‘high-intensity’ warfare in Europe, battlefield robotisation, augmented soldiers, artificial intelligence and other present and potential future technological developments are new contemporary ch...

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Jij bent aan zet

Beveilig je organisatie door te denken als de vijand

2023 || Paperback || Kim Covent e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever

Counterplay is een proactief securityconcept dat je bestaande beveiliging aanvult en je op een andere manier laat kijken naar je veiligheidsuitdagingen. Counterplay kiest resoluut voor het criminele perspectief. Kijken door de ogen van de vijand om jezelf beter te beschermen. Niet door potentiële vijanden op te sporen of aan te vallen, maar door zoveel mogelijk aanvalsstrategieën proactief onderuit te halen. Je denkt vooruit in het schaakspel met de vijand.Met tal van praktische voorbeelde...

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Suspended values in concentration camp and prison

A comparison between the underlying structure of Auschwitz and the American prison system

2023 || Paperback || Miriam Jacobs || Maklu, Uitgever

The concentration camps are closed. Auschwitz is over. Every year we commemorate and say we never want this again. But why then do we still have systems in our Western society in which people are locked up in degrading conditions? Is Auschwitz really over? To answer this question, this book makes a comparison between the camp structure of Auschwitz and the basic structure of the current prison system in the United States. This prison system houses 2.3 million guilty or innocent people in degr...

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Making strategic choices in social science research

2023 || Paperback || Antoinette Verhage e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever

GERN (Groupement Européen de Recherches sur les Normativités) is a large consortium of scientific researchers in the domain of deviance and social control, more precisely studying delinquency, penal institutions, public policies of security and the importance of penal questions in society. Today the GERN is a scientific network present in ten European countries and abroad, uniting researchers of different disciplines. Each year the GERN organizes a doctoral summer school, giving PhD student...

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met 5% korting 27,55

Is detentie het verkeerde medicijn?

De sleutel naar een humaner gevangeniswezen

2023 || Paperback || Leo Nardus || Maklu, Uitgever

‘De graad van beschaving van een land kan men afleiden uit de wijze waarop men omgaat met misdaad en uit de wijze waarop men omgaat met daders’ (Churchill)Toen Leo Nardus na een keurig leven in vrijheid in de gevangenis terechtkwam, werd hij geconfronteerd met negatieve opvattingen en stigmatisering van de gedetineerde. Deze ervaring zette hem ertoe aan om een boek te schrijven dat de lezer inzicht biedt en een lans breekt voor de medemens buiten de vrije samenleving.Door niet enkel zijn ...