Resultaten (8)
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O'Leary, Z: Present Your Research
Little Quick Fix
2019 || Paperback || O'Leary || SAGE
Presentations are increasingly a key assessment of student research and projects, and are one of the core employability skills. Zina O'Leary's Fix shows students how to nail them.
Sozialstruktur Deutschlands / 3. Auflage
2019 || Paperback || Johannes Huinink e.a. || UTB
Kompakte Einführung in Deutschlands Sozialstruktur
- Eine systematische und kompakte Einführung in die Begriffe und Konzepte der Sozialstrukturanalyse.
- Der Band vermittelt die theoretischen Grundlagen der Sozialstrukturforschung und der Erklärung sozialer Ungleichheit.
- Die Autoren stellen hierfür ausgewählte, aktuelle Daten zu grundlegenden Bereichen der Sozialstruktur Deutschlands und Europas vor.
UTB basics - Lehrbücher mit einem klaren Konzept:
- Definitionen, Zusammenfassungen, ...
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Quick Guide to IBM Spss
2019 || Paperback || Elliott || SAGE
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Qualitative and Mixed Methods Data Analysis Using Dedoose
2019 || Paperback || Salmona || SAGE
Qualitative and Mixed Methods Data Analysis Using Dedoose®: A Practical Approach for Research Across the Social Sciences provides both new and experienced researchers with a guided introduction to dealing with the methodological complexity of mixed methods and qualitative inquiry using Dedoose® software.
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Statistics People Who Think They Hate Statistics - International
2020 || Paperback || Frey Salkind || SAGE
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Making Sense of the Social World
Methods of Investigation
2019 || Paperback || Chambliss || SAGE
The Sixth Edition of Making Sense of the Social World offers students an introduction to the variety of social research methods, and helps the reader to understand research in their roles as consumers and novice producers of social science.
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Exploring the U.s. Census
2019 || Paperback || Donnelly || SAGE
Exploring the U.S. Census gives social science students and researchers the tools to understand, extract, process, and analyze census data, including the American Community Survey and other datasets. This text provides background on the data collection methods, structures, and potential pitfalls for unfamiliar researchers with applied exercises and software walk-throughs.
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Maar het is wel mijn wijk!
drie studies naar symbolisch verzet tegen stigmatisering, de rol van sociale smaakmakers en veranderende beeldvorming door betrokkenheid.
2019 || Paperback || Arend van Haaften e.a. || Driehoek, Stichting De
Veel stadswijken veranderen de laatste jaren snel.Delen van buurten worden gesloopt, en huurwoningen worden ingrijpend vernieuwd. Veel bewoners voelen zich nauw betrokken bij hun woonomgeving en laten die verandering niet passief over zich heen komen. Zij vervullen een belangrijke rol, niet alleen voor de corporaties die in deze betrokken bewoners hun aanspreekpartners vinden, maar ook voor de samenhang in de buurt. En wat ze delen, is hun verzet tegen de stigmatisering van hun buurt als ach...