Resultaten (9)
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The Intoxication of Force
when enforcement undermines compliance
2017 || Paperback || Sharon Oded || Eleven international publishing
White-collar crime is globally shattering in its effect, and there is no doubt enforcement is a necessity in rooting it out. In his inaugural lecture, Sharon Oded raises the question of whether enforcement policies currently emerging in the U.S. and other jurisdictions are suitable to serve this purpose. He is particularly concerned with the intoxication of force - that is, the very real situation where the main goal of the enforcement system is to sanctify harsh enforcement, rather than to e...
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Who owns the broadcasting archives?
2017 || Paperback || S Schroff || deLex B.V.
Archives across the Netherlands are tasked to make their archives accessible
online. However, progress has been slow, not least because it is difficult to determine who owns the rights to make works available online. Focusing on the Dutch public service radio and TV broadcasting sectors, this book addresses this challenge. First, it disentangles the nature of broadcasts by providing guidance on which aspects of a TV or radio broadcast can attract protection and who owns these. Secondly, it em...
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Essays on Private and Business Law
a Tribute to Professor Adriaan Dorresteijn
2017 || Hardcover || Harold Koster e.a. || Eleven international publishing
Many companies today face international influences, and many more will follow suit. A scenario that was recognised early on by Prof. Adriaan Dorresteijn (Utrecht University). To honour his innovative research, teachings, and administration work, this Liber Amicorum includes capita selecta of recent business and private law publications. These articles discuss, inter alia, the relationship between mother and daughter companies, the protection ofactors working for companies, cross-border compan...
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Well-being at and through Work
2017 || Hardcover || Tindara Addabbo e.a. || Eleven international publishing
The book "Well-being at and through Work" collects a selection of the contributions presented in the Fourteenth International Conference in commemoration of Prof Marco Biagi. The Conference was held at the Marco Biagi Foundation, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy). The essays, in English, investigate from manifold perspectives the possible implications of changes in the work organization and employment schemes for the well-being of individual workers. In legal terms, the topic sti...
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People and buildings: comparative housing law
Comparative Housing Law
2017 || Paperback || Michel Vols e.a. || Eleven international publishing
Housing law has emerged as a distinct field in both academic legal studies and legal practice. This volume aims to unravel some common threads in the contemporary study of housing law and housing rights. Another objective is to provide a comparative perspective on housing law, the right to housing, and housing policies. The book draws on the work of scholars from various jurisdictions, such as Israel, Portugal, Australia, Switzerland, Indonesia, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands...
Criminology / 3rd edition
2017 || Paperback || Tim Newburn || Taylor & Francis
Comprehensive and accessible, Tim Newburn’s bestselling Criminology provides an introduction to the fundamental themes, concepts, theories, methods and events that underpin the subject and form the basis for all undergraduate degree courses and modules in Criminology and Criminal Justice. This third edition includes:A new chapter on politics, reflecting the ever increasing coverage of political influence and decision making on criminology coursesNew and updated crime data and analysis of tr...
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The Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive and the Single Resolution Mechanism
preadviezen Nederlandse Vereniging voor Rechtsvergelijkend en Internationaal Insolventierecht (NVRII)/reports Netherlands Association for Comparative and International Insolvency Law (NACIIL) 2014
2017 || Paperback || S.M.C. Nuijten e.a. || Eleven international publishing
The new European rules on bank insolvency seek to prevent future government-funded bailouts. Instead, risks should be internalized by the participants. The rules in the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive and also the Single Resolution Mechanism seek to mimic the outcome of a normal insolvency procedures, without actually letting a failing institution enter full insolvency procedures. The rules enacted are of critical importance to a healthier and more stable financial sector.
This book pr...
Law for a circular economy
2017 || Paperback || Chris Backes || Eleven international publishing
Today humanity uses, on average, the equivalent of 1.6 earths to
provide the resources we use and to absorb our waste. A pathway
to sustainable resource use is the circular economy. This concept
aims at optimising the value of the resources used and to minimise
the amount of resources used. The author addresses the question of
what kind of law we need to realize a circular economy. He argues
that many legal frameworks and rules on the national and the
European level will have to be reconsider...
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Property Law Perspectives V
2017 || Paperback || Björn Hoops e.a. || Eleven international publishing
The Young Property Lawyers Forum is an international network of property law researchers, which has since its inception in 2008 organised seven conferences. Property Law Perspectives V contains a selection of peer reviewed papers presented at the sixth conference of the Young Property Lawyers Forum, which took place at the University of Groningen from 23 to 25 November 2015.
The contributors to this book deal with major challenges facing property law in the 21st century, such as inequality, E...