Geen verdere filters gevondenResultaten (2)
xNUR: Onderwijs en opvoeding
xOpleiding: Bachelor Tolken
xVoorgeschreven bij: ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken & Vertalen
Levertijd: 10 werkdagen
Zwischen den Zeichen
Notizentechnik ohne Worte. Ein Lehr- und Übungsbuch
2018 || Paperback || Judith Farwick || Books on Demand
Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
Conference Interpreting / 3rd edition
Principles and Practice
2007 || Paperback || Valerie Taylor-bouladon || Createspace
Begins with the history of interpreting in Europe and Australia, then looks at how it is done today, and what lies ahead. The different modes of interpretation are explained; there are tips for beginners such as how to overcome stage fright, what to do if you miss something, booth behaviour and microphone manners, how to become a graceful scapegoat, economise your voice and make delegates laugh as well as how to deal with Australianisms. A chapter is devoted to conference organisers, another ...