
Paperback (2)

Resultaten (3)

Vandaag besteld,
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Vermeer's Little Street

a view of the Penspoort in Delft

2015 || Paperback || Frans Grijzenhout || Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

An incredible detective story! The exact location of Vermeer's famous Little Street has occupied art historians for centuries. Did Vermeer paint his own house, his view or did he invent this wonderful composition? With new information Frans Grijzenhout is finally able to identify the site of the Little Street. His story was world news. An astonishing discovery that sheds new light on Vermeer's life and work, and his family. In Delft you can visit the location of the Little Street. English lan...

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Jan Schoonhoven (ENG editie)

2015 || Hardcover || Antoon Melissen || nai010 uitgevers publishers

Jan Schoonhoven (1914-1994) became world-famous with his sculptural reliefs and works on paper. For nearly 40 years, Schoonhoven worked on developing his reliefs (made of papier-mâché, paper and cardboard) alongside his job as a civil servant at the Dutch Post Office.

For the first time, this monograph places Jan Schoonhoven in an international context, as an active and influential player in the European post-war developments in art. The early years are covered in detail: the influences of, ...

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Dick Bruna the artist

2018 || Paperback || Caro Verbeek || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

The work of Dick Bruna, his posters, book covers and of course his world famous Miffy, was inspired by the great modern masters of art history. This book explores the colourful sources of inspiration that have made Bruna the versatile artist that he is. English language edition.