
Laurent Kummer (2)
Engels (4)
Nederlands (3)

Resultaten (9)

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Certificado PM2 Foundation por Open PM2 Group Courseware

2023 || Paperback || Laurent Kummer || Van Haren Publishing

"En este curso, no sólo ""aprenderá las pautas"" de una metodología muy eficaz y ligera, sino que también se expondrá a una filosofía positiva de buena práctica de gestión de proyectos, centrada en la aportación de valor a los ciudadanos, siguiendo principios sostenibles, éticos y deontológicos.

El material se articula en torno a tres objetivos:

- Ofrecerle una visión general de PM² en el contexto de la gestión general de proyectos.

- Enseñarle los fundamentos de PM² como pre...

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met 5% korting 43,44

CIO 3.0 – Leiden met digitale transformatie – 2de druk

2023 || Paperback || Karin Zwiggelaar e.a. || Van Haren Publishing

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The Change Manager's Handbook

A step by step guide to sustainable change

2023 || Paperback || Harley Lovegrove || Van Haren Publishing

The Change Manager's Handbook is an easy to read kaleidoscope of a book that covers the whole topic of change management from the theory right through to a very practical step-by-step guide to implementing sustainable change. The book is written in a very accessible and easy to read style and is cram packed with useful tips and tricks, images and cartoons that every Change Manager will find useful to bring about change in their organisation.

A downloadable 'Toolbox' (available from the publ...

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Risk management guide / druk 1

the open group guide

2023 || Paperback || Van Haren Publishing

This book brings together The Open Group’s set of publications addressing risk management, which have been developed and approved by The Open Group. It is presented in three parts:

The Technical Standard for Risk Taxonomy

Technical Guide to the Requirements for Risk Assessment Methodologies

Technical Guide: FAIR – ISO/IEC 27005 Cookbook

Part 1: Technical Standard for Risk Taxonomy This Part provides a standard definition and taxonomy for information security risk, as well as information...

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Mov® Practitioner Management of Value Courseware – English

2023 || Paperback || Douwe Brolsma e.a. || Van Haren Publishing

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Certificazione PM2 Foundation rilasciata da PM² GROUP

2023 || Paperback || Laurent Kummer || Van Haren Publishing

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met 5% korting 43,44

Basiskennis informatiebeveiliging op basis van ISO27001 en ISO27002 / Druk 4

2023 || Paperback || Jule Hintzbergen e.a. || Van Haren Publishing

Dit boek is in eerste instantie ontwikkeld als studieboek voor het examen Information Security Foundation based on ISO/IEC 27001 van EXIN.

De vierde druk is een ingrijpende herziening van de vorige druk, waarbij de inhoud is aangepast aan de totaal herziene versie van de ISO/IEC 27002 die in 2022 is verschenen.

Het bevat de basiskennis die onmisbaar is voor iedereen die beroepsmatig betrokken is bij informatiebeveiliging of IT. In al deze gevallen is kennis over informatiebeveiliging van bela...

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met 5% korting 43,44


Bedrijfsprocessen én verantwoordelijkheden kernachtig in kaart

2023 || Paperback || Arno Schilders || Van Haren Publishing

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Project Management by ICB4

2023 || Paperback || Bert Hedeman e.a. || Van Haren Publishing

IPMA observes an increasing number and importance of projects in business, public and people’s lives, also known as ‘projectification’.

In the world of globalisation, an increasing number of organisations are working project-based to cope with the challenges of modern times. Especially now, society is on the brink of such significant changes as global warming and artificial intelligence. Projects drive the development of new products and services, expansions, new capabilities, implemen...