
Paperback (6)
2010 (3)

Resultaten (7)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden


Giving and receiving feedback

2020 || Loose-leaf || Marieta Koopmans || Uitgeverij Thema

Feedback is a message about the behavior or performance of another person. Feedback is indispensable when you work with other people. Sometimes you need to tell someone that their work is not up to standard or, by contrast, excellent.

In this booklet, you will find tips and advice about giving feedback.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 23,75

Improving teams

2010 || Paperback || Jan Schouten e.a. || Uitgeverij Thema

There are many reasons why things go wrong in the way teams work together. With this book you learn to what degree certain factors can influence the way your team operates. The starting point for a lot of the questions and assignments is always your team. You will be confronted with questions such as ‘How does that work in my team? What do I want to improve? and How can I go about that?’. The book closes with a procedure that your team can use for setting up a work programme for ‘team impr...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 27,55

The Eight Great Beacons of Cultural Awareness

navigating the cultural landscape

2016 || Paperback || Jim Morris e.a. || Uitgeverij Thema

The book that you are holding is the indispensable guide to cultural awareness.

Are you working in an international environment, with people from different countries? Working internationally requires specific competences and relationship skills. Getting to know other cultures can be fun and enlightening. Yet, at times, you might find communication challenging

and puzzling, sensing emotions and observing reactions that more often deal with the deeper level of culture. Despite our good intentio...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Ten influencing skills / druk 1

|| Paperback || Jan Bijker || Uitgeverij Thema

Manager, consultant, member of the Works Council: in any of these functions you

want to exert maximum influence to reach your goals. There are quite some ways to do this. You can reason and give logical arguments, you can paint a picture about an attractive future perspective or give compliments.

This book describes ten different influencing skills that you can learn to use and to apply yourself. Influencing is not about using communication tricks. It is essential that you use the influencing...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 15,20

Tips & Tools for Managers

2010 || Paperback || Jolanda Bouman || Uitgeverij Thema

So much is expected of managers; supervising the staff, running the department, motivating employees, open communication, delegating tasks, finding creative solutions, providing and processing feedback, creating budgets, reaching targets. Who couldn’t use help with all this?

Whether you are just starting out in a supervisory role or are a highly experienced manager, you will find this book an enormous benefit. For the new supervisor it will answer such questions as ‘Just how do I deal with ...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 22,80


mastering the art of giving and receiving feedback

2009 || Paperback || Marieta Koopmans || Uitgeverij Thema

Do you tend to keep your comments about others to yourself? Is there a difference between giving feedback to an employee, a colleague or your boss? Do you avoid complimenting others or praising them for their efforts?

Many people would answer these questions with a resounding ‘yes’. They are uncomfortable dealing with feedback and would rather sidestep the issue entirely. But open, honest communication enables others to learn and grow, which ultimately improves their performance in the fut...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 25,65

The time of your life

time management

2010 || Paperback || Ron Witjas || Uitgeverij Thema

Who wouldn’t love to get more work done in less time, have time for family, sports and hobbies, thus creating a relaxed way of life? Trouble is, between the dream and the reality there’s a clock in the way, and it only let you have 24 hours in any one day. There’s no way round that.

Most people find being under time pressure very unpleasant; the awful realisation that 24 hours just aren’t enough to do what they want or have to do. Sound familiar? You can do something about that ‘against...