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Resultaten (222)
Stories of Art
2002 || Paperback || James Elkins || Taylor & Francis
Stories of Art is James Elkins's intimate history of art. Concise and original, this engaging book is an antidote to the behemoth art history textbooks from which we were all taught. As he demonstrates so persuasively, there can never be one story of art.
Cultures have their own stories - about themselves, about other cultures - and to hear them all is one way to hear the multiple stories that art tells. But each of us also has our own story of art, a kind of private art history made up of th...
Gardner's Art through the Ages
A Concise Western History
2016 || Paperback || Fred Kleiner || Cengage Learning, Inc
GARDNER'S ART THROUGH THE AGES: A CONCISE WESTERN HISTORY, provides you with a comprehensive, beautifully illustrated tour of the world's great artistic traditions, and, with MindTap, all of the online study tools you need to excel in your art history course! Easy to read and understand, the fourth edition includes new artists and provides a rich cultural backdrop for each of the covered periods and geographical locations.
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Object Lessons
The Visualisation of Nineteenth-Century Life Sciences
2024 || Hardcover || George Loudon || Ridinghouse
Lavishly illustrated volume showcasing nearly 200 objects from the collection of George Loudon relating to the nineteenth-century life sciences, revealing the artistic expression of these historic curiosities.
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Sluier van de tijd
Het verborgen leven van kunst
2022 || Paperback || Benjamin Rous || Uitgeverij G.A. Van Oorschot B.V.
Hoe schilderde Vermeer zijn iconische Meisje met de parel? Welke gedaanteverwisselingen onderging Suzanna en de ouderlingen van Rembrandt? Heeft de restauratie van de Sixtijnse Kapel ons dichter bij Michelangelo gebracht? En is het duurste schilderij ooit geveild nou wel of niet van Da Vinci? In Sluier van de tijd vertelt Benjamin Rous welke geheimen er schuilgaan onder het oppervlak van bekende en minder bekende kunstwerken.
De tijd versluiert wat we weten over kunstwerken. Hoe kunnen we di...
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Waarom een schilderij werkt
2022 || Paperback || Jurriaan Benschop || Uitgeverij G.A. Van Oorschot B.V.
In Waarom een schilderij werkt onderzoekt Jurriaan Benschop de veelvormige schilderkunst van onze tijd. Hij introduceert het werk van tientallen schilders, bespreekt de thema’s die in het werk te vinden zijn en stelt daarbij steeds de vraag: waarom werkt dit schilderij? Dit brengt hem bij zowel zichtbare aspecten van schilderkunst, zoals beeldmotief en de manier van schilderen, als bij wat onzichtbaar achter het doek ligt: de drijfveren, het wereldbeeld en de culturele achtergrond van de ku...
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Images for the eye and soul / druk 1
function and meaning in Netherlandish prints (1450-1650)
2006 || Hardcover || I. Veldman || Primavera Pers
The printed image was a revolutionary invention which deeply affected the visual arts. Woodcuts and engravings tended to be purely utilitarian at first, mainly serving devotional purposes, but in the last quarter of the fifteenth century artists began to appreciate the potential of the medium, which enabled them to reproduce and distribute their compositions rapidly and relatively cheaply. Especially after 1550, when production became professionalised with the appearance of the print publishe...
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The Netherlandish drawings of the 16th century in the Teylers Museum
2016 || Hardcover || Yvonne Bleyerveld e.a. || Primavera
The collection of drawings Teyler's Museum has a widely known international reputation. This book is part of a series in which previously books were published on Italian drawings of the 15th and 16th century, and on Dutch drawings dating from 1575-1630 and 1740-1800. This book describes the 257 Netherlandish drawings by artists born before 1581. The most important group consists of no fewer than 125 sheets by Hendrick Goltzius; nowhere else in the world there are so many of his drawings. Othe...
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In Culemborg verzameld
Schilderkunst uit weeshuis en kasteel (1500-18009
2019 || Paperback || Margot Leerink e.a. || Primavera || met inkijkexemplaar
De vermogende Elisabeth van Culemborg (1475–1555) liet bij haar overlijden een grote som geld na voor de ‘regte armen’ en daarmee werd in 1560 in Culemborg een weeshuis gebouwd. In de loop der eeuwen veranderde dit weeshuis in een openbare schatkamer van schilderijen. Er kwamen zowel schilderijen te hangen die ooit door het weeshuis zelf waren besteld als kunstwerken die hadden toebehoord aan de heren en graven van Culemborg. Door godsdienststrijd en oorlogshandelingen kwamen diverse ku...
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A Rembrandt invention
A new Baptism of the Eunuch
2020 || Paperback || Gary Schwartz || Primavera Pers
A distinguished black man kneels on a riverbank before a bearded white man in robes, with the air of a prophet. What could a depiction of this scene be other than the well-known story from chapter 8 of The Acts of the Apostles? No Dutch notary of the seventeenth century hesitated in identifying the subject of a painting with this motif as the baptism by Philip of an Ethiopian official called a moor, a eunuch or a chamberlain. On the road from Jerusalem to Gaza, he becomes convinced of the div...
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Phoebus Focus XVIII: Portrait of Elisabeth Jordaens
Jacob Jordaens’ (1593-1678) Tribute to His Eldest Daughter and Country Life
2020 || Paperback || Leen Kelchtermans || Uitgeverij Kannibaal