Resultaten (9)

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Internional Health Law and Ethics

Basic Documents

2019 || Paperback || André Den Exter || Maklu, Uitgever

International Health Law and Ethics. Basic Documents contains a collection of treaty documents and soft law on health care rights and health ethics, used in health law training programs. Regional documents and explanatory reports on health care rights, which are derived from international human rights law, provide a way of "unwrapping" government obligations in health care, making rights more specific, accessible and (judicially) accountable. In addition, soft law declarations and medical e...

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The function of accusation in International Criminal Court

structure of crimes and the role of Prosecutor according to the international criminal jurisprudence

2019 || Paperback || Dimitris Liakopoulos || Maklu, Uitgever

The present survey aims to analyze the issue of the indictment function in the

process before the International Criminal Court which integrates a peculiar

justice system, result of the complex interaction between the juridical tradition

of civil law and the juridical tradition of common law. The prosecution function

is entrusted to a Prosecutor who is conceived as a hybrid figure. It is an organ

that not only performs its functions in the context of a system in which the

principle of opportun...

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Concise Introduction to EU Private International Law (4th edition)

2019 || Paperback || Michael Bogdan e.a. || Europa Law Publishing

About the book

This concise book, now in its 4th edition, is mainly intended to be used as an introduction to the rules of private international law belonging to the legal system of the European Union. It provides legal practitioners with an overview of this highly complex field of law and can serve as an introductory textbook in elective undergraduate courses and master programs offered today by many law schools both to their own students and to exchange students from other countries. The bo...

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Moderne piraterij in Oost- en West-Afrika

Het juridisch kader, de bestrijdingsstrategieën en de vervolging en bestraffing

2019 || Paperback || Klaas Willaert || Maklu, Uitgever

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European integration through member states’ constitutional identity in EU law

2019 || Paperback || Dimitris Liakopoulos || Maklu, Uitgever

The present research aims to verify the nature and extent of the identity clause

and to establish the role that art. 4, par. 2 TEU is called to perform in the management of the aforementioned conflicts. More specifically, it is of interest to verify whether the law has its own autonomy, what consequences may result

its being violated in the light of CEU jurisprudence and what added value could

have a consistent use of the identity clause in the context of the management

of inter-order conflic...

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met 5% korting 80,28

International Criminal Investigations (Heruitgave)

Law and Practice

2019 || Paperback || Adejoké Babington-Asahye e.a. || Eleven international publishing

International Criminal Investigations: Law & Practice is the first of its kind – a resource book on selected topics assessing more than twenty years of international criminal investigations, while addressing the practicalities and challenges of such investigations. It explores, from the perspective of expert practitioners, a thematic approach to important issues such as investigative strategies, planning and interview techniques for specific witnesses, financial investigations, while incorp...

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met 5% korting 51,25

European Integration

A Theme

2019 || Paperback || Jaap Hage || Eleven international publishing

This book offers a range of perspectives on European integration from different scientific disciplines. It aims to give its readers the opportunity to look at European integration from various scientific angles, such as history, political science, philosophy of science, economics, legal theory, social ontology, and evolutionary psychology.

By bringing together these disciplines, European Integration: A Theme hopes to contribute to the education of scientists who are able to place topics like ...

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met 5% korting 53,68


beginselen van Europees en Nederlands Mededingingsrecht

2019 || Paperback || H.H.B. Vedder e.a. || Europa Law Publishing

Het mededingingsrecht is niet meer weg te denken uit onze economie en de maatschappij in het algemeen. Elke dag wordt wel ergens staatssteun uitgekeerd, een fusie aangemeld, een kartel opgerold of nagedacht over de vraag of er meer of minder concurrentie moet plaatsvinden in een bepaalde sector. Al deze vragen spelen in een weinig toegankelijk rechtsgebied waarin de beoefenaar een gedegen kennis van het recht moet combineren met economische, technische en politieke inzichten. Dit boek biedt e...

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met 5% korting 27,55

Europese Rechtspraak - Algemeen Deel #2 / Druk 2

2019 || Paperback || Ronald H. van Ooik e.a. || Europa Law Publishing

Europese Rechtspraak - Algemeen Deel bevat de belangrijkste uitspraken van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie over zowel het institutionele als het materiële Europese recht. Daarmee is de bundel in de eerste plaats bedoeld om te worden gebruikt in het hoger onderwijs (Bachelor of Master). Deze arrestenbundel volgt daarbij de structuur van het handboek Europees Recht - Algemeen Deel. De samenhang tussen de bundel en dit handboek zit met name in de keuze van arresten: alle uitspraken in...