Resultaten (7)
Supply Chain Management / 11th Edition
A Logistics Perspective
2020 || Hardcover || John Coyle e.a. || Cengage Learning
Using a reader-friendly style and straightforward, interesting approach, SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: A LOGISTICS PERSPECTIVE, 11E blends logistics theory with practical applications. The latest content highlights emerging issues, technology developments, and global changes in the constantly evolving field of supply chain management today. This digital edition examines today's real companies and how public and private organizations are responding to the continual pressure to modernize and transfo...
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management / 7th edition
2020 || Hardcover || Monczka e.a. || Cengage Learning
Present the most current, complete coverage of today's supply management process from a managerial perspective with Monczka/Handfield/Giunipero/Patterson's PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT, 7E. This edition draws from the authors' extensive first-hand experiences and relationships with executives and practitioners worldwide to highlight critical developments in the field. Students examine recent advancements in supply chain fraud management, artificial intelligence, analytics, procureme...
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Basisboek Informatie & Control / Druk 3
2020 || Hardcover || Eddy Vaassen || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- Integrale benadering van het thema informatie en control;
- brengt samenhang aan tussen de verschillende vakgebieden;
- stevig basisboek met mogelijkheid tot verdieping in de vervolgdelen.
In Basisboek Informatie & Control ligt het accent op de problemen waar organisaties tegenaan lopen op het gebied van informatie en control. Daarbij wordt uitgebreid gekeken naar mogelijke oplossingen voor deze problemen. Aan bod komen o.a. de grondslagen van interne beheersing en administratieve organisat...
Transitioning to Virtual and Hybrid Events / 1st edition
How to Create, Adapt, and Market an Engaging Online Experience
2020 || Hardcover || Ben Chodor || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
We'll remember 2020 as the year that brought the need for effectively and efficiently connecting people into sharp focus. Companies around the world are rapidly changing their in-person event strategies and shifting to virtual or hybrid events. Clearly, the necessity for online meetings and events has never been greater. Transitioning to Virtual and Hybrid Events is a comprehensive roadmap to going virtual, helping you give your online audience a unique and compelling experience. This practic...
Tools for Project Management, Workshops and Consulting
A Must-Have Compendium of Essential Tools and Techniques
2020 || Hardcover || Nicolai Andler || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
"This book is of the kind you always wanted but didn't think would or could ever exist: the universal field theory of problem solving." Tom Sommerlatte Typically today's tasks in management and consulting include project management, running workshops and strategic work - all complex activities, which require a multitude of skills and competencies. This standard work, which is also well accepted amongst consultants, gives you a reference or cookbook-style access to the most important tools, in...
Startup CEO
A Field Guide to Scaling Up Your Business (Techstars)
2020 || Hardcover || Matt Blumberg || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Being a startup CEO is a job like no other: it's difficult, risky, stressful and, in venture capitalist and long-time Return Path Board Member Fred Wilson's view, "lonely, heavy duty, and a thankless task." As a startup CEO, seeing things for the first time, you're likely to make mistakes, to fail, to get things wrong, and to feel like you don't have any control over outcomes. Author Matt Blumberg has been there, and in Startup CEO: A Field Guide to Scaling Up Your Business, Second Edition he...
Behind the Cloud
The Untold Story of How Went from Idea to Billion-Dollar Company-and Revolutionized an Industry
2020 || Hardcover || Marc Benioff e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
How did grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world s fastest growing software company in less than a decade?
For the first time, Marc Benioff, the visionary founder, chairman, and CEO of, tells how he and his team created and used new business, technology, and philanthropic models tailored to this time of extraordinary change. Showing how not only survived the dot com implosion of 2001, but also went on to define itself as the leader...