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morgen verzonden
Carlo Scarpa
The Complete Buildings
2024 || Hardcover || Emiliano Bugatti || Prestel
Featuring exquisite photographs of every structure the architect designed from scratch or incorporated into a historical building, this elegant volume is as sumptuous and inviting as a Scarpa interior.
Although he was not widely known during his lifetime, Carlo Scarpa has in the past-half century become one of the most revered of modern architects. His passion for integrating the ancient with the modern, the natural with the built environment, and the sensual qualities of glass, wo...
morgen verzonden
Atlas: Tadao Ando
2024 || Hardcover || Philippe Séclier || Prestel
This highly original and personal exploration of Tadao Ando's work, one of Japan's leading architects, traverses both the physical and spiritual world.
In 2012, Philippe Se¿clier visited Tadao Ando's iconic Church of the Light, and was immediately compelled to journey around the world to further study the architect's buildings. This unique presentation of Ando's work is the result of what turned into a nine-year project to photograph 130 buildings. Walking around each structure, try...